A trip down memory lane (with the oldest, baldest, kindest guests we’v – Page 2 – The Curve

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20 Feb, 2024

A trip down memory lane (with the oldest, baldest, kindest guests we’ve ever had).

We love each and every one of our guests, but today’s duo is on another level. A bit old, a bit bald and endlessly kind … today, we’re lucky enough to be talking to Mike Hallwright (of the cereal noises) and Ian Harris (of the 40-year moustache). Aka, our dads. Although neither wants to be here, Mike and Ian really come to the party – spilling on the tea on our money-personalities growing up. Who stole from their family to buy McDonalds? Who racked up $18,000 of credit card debt? Who sold bags of goldfish to her classmates? Who ate nothing but bulk-bought porridge for two weeks? Who has the cuter, funnier, lovelier dad? (Spoiler, we both do).

PS - Exciting news! You can now watch the all our podcast episodes in full technicolour over on our YouTube channel - happy viewing!


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