"My boss asked me to dinner but made me split the bill..."
Introducing... Curveballs, our brand-new segment where we dive into the weird, awkward, and downright cringy money moments you’ve sent in. Whether it’s splitting the bill on a disastrous first date, getting stuck with the tab at a work dinner your boss insisted on, or accidentally blowing your budget on impulse buys, we’re here to help you navigate these curveball moments with expert advice from Dr. Lurve - Australia’s leading relationship expert and modern-day cupid.
Today, we’re tackling some truly juicy curveballs: a boss who suggests splitting a £90 bill after inviting their employee to a fancy dinner, and a first date disaster where splitting the pizza bill leaves someone questioning if they’re financially compatible.
Watch this episode on YouTube.
Got a curveball of your own? We want to hear it! Send us a voice note by clicking here, or feel free to message / email us. And don’t worry – all curveballs will remain completely anonymous.