Money lessons from a 4-year old, with Olive & Emma Pickering.
Joining us on the podcast this week is our youngest and cutest guest ever, 4-year-old Olive, accompanied by her her amazing mum, Emma. Olive is here to share her adorable insights into money and investing. Many of us have faced a huge gap in financial education, often having to teach ourselves the basics from scratch. So, hearing that the knowledge we've been sharing is inspiring the next generation is tear-jerking (literally). Both Olive and Emma were absolute delights to talk to, and their story is truly beautiful. So, strap in and enjoy this heartwarming episode.
The Money Reset is back and OPEN for intake! In this course, we'll show you how to set and stick to financial goals, budget like a pro, improve your money mindset, and get out of debt for good. Plus, find out how much you can invest monthly to grow your wealth. It's time to make your money work for you! To learn more, click here.
Watch this episode on YouTube.